Talented and brave physician, dedicated revolutionary and signer of the Declaration of Independence. Friend to both Adams and Jefferson, Rush was a Jeffersonian Republican though he loved Adams more than he did Jefferson. Jefferson’s friendships and relationships have been the subject of some wonderment and controversy.
Rush’s post-war agonizing over his revolutionary involvement are heart-rending; one of Adam’s most beloved friends and correspondents the retired president set him on the right path.
Instrumental in bringing Adams and Jefferson back to one another Rush’s affection for both men is the catalyst that rescues their friendship.
His courage in remaining in Philadelphia to treat the afflicted during two horrific yellow fever epidemics (at the risk of his own life) is the stuff of legend and makes for harrowing reading. A trailblazer in medicine and in acknowledging and treating the mentally ill, strong in his views though not always correct, he is a true patriot and superb friend.
Rush’s courage, love, and loyalty are inspirational.